Cord Cutting OKC
Energetic cord cutting, is a traditional method to release unhealthy attachments to people, places & things while reclaiming your personal energy.

Positive Energetic Cords of Attachment
In the journey of life, we often find ourselves deeply connected to others and the world around us through unseen energy strands.
In healthy dynamics, these cords are loose, plump, and form from heart to heart.
These connections can form with people, places, and even cherished items, creating bonds that can feel both comforting and profound.
Through these energetic links, we exchange feelings, support, & understanding, which can bring warmth to our hearts and a sense of belonging when relationships are positive and in balance. These bonds are life affirming, and energy giving.
A great example of this is when you think of a friend or family member and they suddenly call.

Negative Energetic Cords of Attachment
When the relationships are not balanced, or are no longer positive - these cords can keep us tied to relationships, places & things that can energetically drain us.
In situations that are not balanced, or healthy - these cords become heavy and may attach to places in the energetic body that are not heart to heart and can be draining to a persons energy.
Think about that relationship from long ago, even though it is over -- if you think about the person these old energetic cords begin to come back into action between two people. The same concept can happen with places once you have moved on.
These cords (or attachments) then keep you tied on a energetic level to people, places and things that may no longer serve your best interests. In cutting away these cords with gentle awareness -- both parties move on both from a conscious and unconscious aspect.

Rewriting the Energetics of Relationships to Shift to the Positive
It is impossible to cut healthy, loving ties. Sometimes, it might be a good idea to cut ties energetically with people, places, and things that you still have a loving bond with.
The best example I provide for a situation like this is from my own life: I love my adult daughter dearly, but we had some pretty challenging times that have created quite a bit of friction in our relationship.
I used a cord cutting ceremony to get rid of those old, gnarled, tangled parts that kept us energetically connected to difficult and dysfunctional situations.
This process allows the healthy threads to stay while we develop new healthy connections while we move to strengthen our relationship.
Ready for Cord Cutting?
Cord Cutting Process
Step 1
Step 1 is a guided meditation through the heart to determine what attachments you are ready to release.
Step 2
Step 2 of the cord cutting process includes a 2 minute ceremony you will do twice a week for 2 weeks.
Step 3
Step 3 is a weekly touch base to help you stay on track and answer any questions that come up during the process.
Step 4
Step 4 is the action of energetically cutting the cords, and transforming them into beneficial energy.
2 week ceremony & coaching | 250.
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